Section: Software

FreeFem++ Toolboxes

Shape optimization toolbox in FreeFem++

Participants : Grégoire Allaire, Olivier Pantz.

We propose several FreeFem++ routines which allow the users to optimize the thickness, the geometry or the topology of elastic structures. All examples are programmed in two space dimensions. These routines have been written by G. Allaire, B. Boutin, C. Dousset, O. Pantz. A web page of this toolbox is available at http://www.cmap.polytechnique.fr/~allaire/freefem_en.html .

We also have written a C++ code to solve the Hamilton Jacoby equation used in the Level-set shape optimization method. This code has been linked with FreeFem++ routines.

Inverse shape and medium problem for thin coatings

Participant : Nicolas Chaulet.

We developed a FreeFem++ toolbox which retrieve an obstacle and two coefficients that define a generalized impedance boundary condition form a few far field data in dimension 2. The reconstruction algorithm relies on regularized non linear optimization technique. The toolbox also contains a forward solver for the scattering of acoustic waves by obstacle on which a generalized impedance boundary condition is applied using an approximate Dirichlet-to-Neuman map to bound the computational domain.

Inverse shape problems for axisymmetric eddy current problems

Participant : Zixian Jiang.

This FreeFem++ toolbox solves inverse problems for an axisymmetric eddy current model using shape optimization techniques. The underlying problem is to find inclusions in a tubular and unbounded domain. The direct scattering problems are solved using an adaptive finite element method, and Dirichlet-to-Neumann operators are used to implement the transparent boundary conditions. Based on the shape derivative of an inclusion with respect to the domain, the toolbox offers regularized iterative algorithms to solve the inverse problem.

Contact managements

Participant : Olivier Pantz.

We have developed a toolbox running under Freefem++ in order to take into account the non-intersection constraints between several deformable bodies. This code has been used to treat contacts between red blood cells in our simulations, but also between genuine non linear elastic structure. It can handle both contacts and self-contacts.

Moreover, a toolbox based on the Penalization method has also been developed.


Participant : Olivier Pantz.

We have developed a code under Freefem++ that implements our De-Homogenization method. It has been used to solve the compliance minimization problem of the compliance of an elastic shape. In particular, it enables us to recover well known optimal Michell's trusses for shapes of low density.